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What is Enlightenment: Dr. David Hawkins' Energy Levels

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Light streams through us and within us. Our body shivers as light from the source pierce through the crown of our head and heal all within. We feel endless compassion for all things living. An act of selfless kindness makes our soul melt, and tears fall down our cheek. We love with the power of 1000 suns, and nothing can put out our fire. We feel Integrated, whole, complete and fiercely dedicated to truth, the supreme, and sacred things.


700 to 1000

Life view

We are thought, we are Idea, we are source seeing ourselves in human form. We exist at all places at once. All dimensions are part of us. Time is an illusion, and time is NOW. We ARE.


Purity, Innocence, Light, Ineffable, Essence, Symphony

God/higher power-View

We are infinite consciousness. We are the intention of life itself. God/higher power is us and flows through us.


All is one. We are thingness and nothingness. We exist to witness our creation, a creation that is ever unfolding.

Primary drive

All is as is. Life is vibration. We are all the same.


We dedicate our lives in service to all in creation. The innocence of pure thought is to be preserved. We let go of all self-concepts and merge with the infinite.

How it feels

Light streams through us and within us. Our body shivers as light from the source pierce through the crown of our head and heal all within. We feel endless compassion for all things living. An act of selfless kindness makes our soul melt, and tears fall down our cheek. We love with the power of 1000 suns, and nothing can put out our fire. We feel Integrated, whole, complete and fiercely dedicated to truth, the supreme, and sacred things.


There is no need to struggle to be free. The absence of struggle is in itself, freedom. We follow the guidance of intuition and pure thought and act on it with love and trust. We seek out beings, people, and places that hold this vibration to form energetic alliances that acts like a web of light that covers the planet. we open our heart and pray to the infinite for access to ever more truth about the whole of creation. We form pure thought that acts as catapults for human elevation.


This level only demands fierce dedication, and purity is the name of the game. Our thoughts matter, and the slightest unawareness of judgment will cause karmic loops that dim our light.

Good news

This is the highest level of being ever recorded in the physical realm. If we progress past this, we will have transcended our human lineage and be given the opportunity to ascend to higher levels.

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