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What is Pride: Dr. David Hawkins' Energy Levels

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When we are at pride, it feels like a subtle smugness that we have all the answers. We look down on others with contempt for their shortcomings and boast in the areas we excel. But deep down, we feel insecure and afraid that anyone will see through the cracks in the facade. We, like everyone else, have areas in our lives that fill us with sheer guilt, sadness, and fear.


175 out of 1000

Life view

We are the best, and people should respect us for the knowledge we possess. We know the right way about life, and nobody else should in the slightest thing that they could come with anything that makes it better than it already is. We're closed-minded and unteachable.


Contempt, Belittlement, Scoff, Scorn, Disregard, disapproval, Ignorance, Pity

God/higher power-View

We don't care if there's a God/higher power or if anyone or anything else comes to help us. We cant care less if there is or isn't meaning with life.


Don't come and think that you are something or someone. Our intelligence, material possessions, and skills far outweigh yours. You have nothing to add to our life, but we are the one that can help you with yours.

Primary drive

People are nobody. Only I matter. I have all the answers. I am wonderful.

Rate of happiness



We are a winner in life. There is nothing left to do but maintaining our high chair and reputation.

How it feels

For a person in pride, it feels like a subtle smugness that we have all the answers. We look down on others with contempt for their shortcomings and boast in the areas we excel. But deep down, we feel insecure and afraid that anyone will see through the cracks in the facade. We, like everyone else, have areas in our lives that fill us with sheer guilt, sadness, and fear.


We strut our stuff and brag about how good our life is. We post pictures about our perfect life or anything that makes us look special. In a way, we are the "bad winner" who gloat when others lose against us. Never would we ever show any weakness, and confessing about the problematic areas in our life is out of the question. In seeking to maintain our facade, we might use alcohol or drugs to numb our feelings.


Pride goes before fall. To maintain a perfect picture that we know is built on sand will be an impossible endeavor as the waves of time rise to wash it all away. Each perfect image we show builds up the pressure to maintain the fakeness we built. Once a setback occurs (and it will), it might push us over the edge and cause our sandcastle to crumble.

Good news

Pride is where we start to feel good about our lives and what we've managed to achieve. Thus there is a tremendous opportunity to take it to the next level by just showing a tiny amount of open-mindedness for what else life can teach us.

Origins of Pride

David R.Hawkins believed that pride is a natural human emotion that arises from a sense of separation from others and from the Divine. When we feel separate, we feel the need to protect and defend ourselves. This can lead to pride, which is an inflated sense of self-importance and superiority.

Pride can also be rooted in trauma or pain. When we are hurt or wounded, we may build a wall of pride around ourselves to protect ourselves from further pain. However, this wall also prevents us from connecting with others and from experiencing true joy and love.


Recognizing the Triggers

Some common triggers for pride include:


When we achieve something, it is natural to feel proud of our accomplishments.However, if we become so attached to our successes that we start to look down on others who have not achieved the same things, then we have crossed the line into pride.


When we compare ourselves to others, it is easy to see them as either superior or inferior. If we see ourselves as superior, we may become prideful. If we see ourselves as inferior, we may experience feelings of shame and inadequacy.


When we are criticized, it can trigger our defences and lead to pride. This is because pride is a way of protecting ourselves from feeling hurt or rejected.


Pride and Its Impact on Health

Dr. Hawkins observed that the constant need to maintain a facade can be draining. He said that pride is a "contraction of consciousness" that blocks the flow of love and energy. This can lead to a variety of physical and emotional problems.

MentalHealth Strain:

The continuous effort to sustain a false image can lead to anxiety, stress, and even depressive episodes.

PhysicalHealth Impact:

Prolonged stress can cause ailments ranging from sleep disturbances to cardiovascular problems.


The inherent nature of pride can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and alienation in personal and professional relationships.


Moving Beyond Pride

Hawkins believed that the way to move beyond pride is to cultivate humility. Humility is not about putting ourselves down or demeaning ourselves. It is simply about accepting ourselves for who we are, flaws and all. When we are humble, we are open to learning and growing. We are also able to see the good in others, even if they are different from us.

Here are some ways to cultivate humility:


Honest introspection to recognize and accept one's strengths and weaknesses.


The understanding that all individuals possess unique knowledge and skills, and there's always room for growth and learning.


Recognizing the role of external factors, people, and even luck in one's achievements.

Seek Feedback:

Encouraging open, honest feedback can help keep our ego in check.

Mindful Practices:

Engaging in meditation and mindfulness exercises can help in grounding oneself.

Engaging in Service:

Volunteering or engaging in acts of service can provide perspective and reduce the focus on the self. 

Pride is a natural human emotion, but it can be destructive if we allow it to control us.By cultivating humility, we can move beyond pride and experience greater joy, love, and connection.

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